To teach us to be better people,
Repent now,
Repent with honesty of heart
Repent with your mind,
Focus on Jesus, our compassionate Savior,
Repent for your heart and mind are stained with sin
Grow virtue like a garden
Let the streams of God's mercy
Flow into your heart
For he is all good
And all merciful
When you put your trust in the Lord,
He will show you the way to heaven
If you follow that way with all your heart,
It will lead you to heaven
Heaven will become your home
The gospel is a light to all nations and
The teachings of Jesus
Are a candle to all people.
Because when we keep
The teachings of Jesus in our hearts
And keep them there
It is like oil in a lamp
That provides everlasting grace.
Oh sweet Jesus, our hope forever
Put your light into our hearts
Spread over us the grace of your flame of love
That we may be holy in our thoughts, words, and deeds
May our hearts be in line with your heart, oh Jesus our Savior
Dear Mother Mary, Queen of Heaven
Who shows compassion for all people in all places
Pour out your joy, kindness, and love on us all
That we may become better Christians
And better people
Teach us oh Mary to be in step with Jesus
Our true and everlasting Savior
Dear Jesus, our everlasting compassion,
Fill our hearts and minds with grace and blessings
Help us and teach us to be a light to all nations
That our hearts may become
Like lamps and shine forever
With grace and virtue.
Fill our hearts with kindness
That we may know your way
And teach all people the path of life
Oh Mother Mary, Mother of God
Be to us a lamp in this world.
Teach us to be better Christians each day
That our hearts may be filled with all grace and virtue
That our minds and hearts may be ever fixed
On Jesus, the savior of all people, all over the earth.
Oh, my sweet Jesus,
Help us when we are lost
And have fallen into sin.
Even though we try our best,
Even true Christians fall.
When we fall, we must say we are sorry,
Dust ourselves off, and get back up again.
God will forgive you.
You must learn to forgive yourself.
God’s everlasting mercy is poured out into our hearts
Light our hearts and minds with your truth
So that they might become enlightened
With the true and
everlasting joy of God
The path to heaven can and should be more than just words
Loyalty to Christ must be in your heart and actions
For Christ wants us to be honest at all times
Oh sinners, do not rely on your own self to get out of sin
Because the flesh is weak, so put your trust in Jesus
And Mother Mary most holy.
Consecrate your heart to Jesus and Our Lady
Because they can help you overcome sin
Do not try to carry your cross on your own,
But let Jesus help you.
Pray on a daily basis that the Lord
May cleanse your heart
and mind
The Lord can give you a new heart and mind.
Keep Christ in your mind and heart
For devotion to Christ and Mary is the path to heaven.
For who, having the wisdom of God,
Would not want to be devoted to Christ.
For Christ died for our sins and
Rose from the dead.
Our Father who lives in our heart is a light to all nations.
The oil in the lamps of his precious children
Lets the Lamb of God lead us on our way to heaven.
And lets virtue flow from our hearts like a river.
For you are the God of justice and compassion.
Whether they be physical or spiritual
That we may attend to them,
Because this is like helping Jesus, himself
Guide us, teach us,
Put into our hearts everlasting
Love for the one true God
And each other
Be forever a teacher to us all.
Fill our hearts with
Joy, virtue, and compassion
So that we may live
The true joy of our heavenly Father
The one true God builds his temple
In the hearts of his devotees.
First, by contrition, he cleans them from sin,
Then he teaches them to do what is right, and
To be honest in all things
Finally, he makes their hearts a light for all people.
Dearest Jesus, our Savior, and hope:
Put into our hearts a light that never goes out.
Fill our hearts with oil of faith, hope, and love
Prepare our minds to be enlightened by the Holy Spirit.
Put God’s words into our minds and hearts
So, we may carry them out with love for God.
That our hearts may become pure from the love of God
And that purity may become a light for mankind.
God wants our honesty
In all things and in all our devotions.
Without honesty,
God will accept nothing from us.
Our sacrifices will be worthless,
For God's Law, first written on stone,
Now resides in our hearts and minds.
God's Law is first and foremost
Honesty in all things.
Then kindness, love, gentleness, and last but not least,
Compassion for all men.
Honesty makes our hearts into
Temples of the living God
Dishonest people will not have
God dwelling within them
For He will live in the hearts and minds of
People who are honest.
God cannot and will not live
In the hearts of unrepentant, dishonest people,
Because he is the truth for all times and places.
Jesus shed his blood for us,
But does this mean we should sin?
Not at all.
Oh, Mother Mary,
Our most compassionate Queen of Heaven and earth
Oh, sweet ever gentle Mother of God,
Help us to live out the teachings of our
Lord and Savior Jesus Christ
To be kind to others,
No matter what they look like or
What we feel about what they do
For our Lord and teacher, Jesus was kind to
all people.
Giving them what they most needed,
Because love, compassion, mercy, and justice
are the heart of God’s law.
We may pick and choose, but we must be
careful what we choose.
Mary is like a flower blooming in our heart
This flower represents kindness, compassion, love, and
It smells like the glory, majesty, and truth of God
It looks exquisitely beautiful