Jesus is fully God and fully human
Though he cannot fall spiritually,
He can fall in any other way just like any human being.
The day he fell beneath His cross, he was a man carrying a heavy load.
Humans can fall physically, such as when the ground is uneven or they are walking in the dark.
Humans can fall emotionally, such as when your friends cannot come over to play,
One of your friends is sick, or the Church is closed due to a pandemic.
Humans can fall spiritually, such as when they commit a sin or
When they fail to recognize God's will.
Humans can fall egotistically, such as when they forget how much God helps them or
When they do not love their neighbors to the best of their abilities.
But Jesus, Our Lord, although he was fully man, never fell spiritually or egotistically,
This is what made him Our God and Savior.

I find hope and comfort for when I fall when I read the last two poems together. I like the physical shape of this poem. Thank you for these Easter gifts.