Tuesday, December 3, 2019

A Meditation on the Titles of the Messiah

The Epitome of Compassion - because he is the perfect example of compassion
The Lamb of God - because lambs were used as sacrifices in the Jewish Temple and Jesus was the ultimate sacrifice/atonement/offering for our sins
The Passover Lamb
Son of Joseph - because his mom, Mary's husband's name was Joseph
The Stumbling Stone - because some people stumble over his teachings
Lion of Judah - because Jesus was of the tribe of Judah and he triumphed over the grave
The Amen - because he is a faithful and true witness and the ruler of God's creation (NIV bible)
The King of Our Hearts - because his kingdom dwells within our hearts
King of the Nations - because he made all nations and his ways are just and true
Power for Salvation - because he is like a horn raised up among the people for our salvation and to draw all people to God

1 comment:

  1. interesting list---I imagine you could at least double it.
