We must obey any, and all, authorities
that are legitimate and applicable in our lives,
such as policemen, our parents, teachers, doctors, etc.
Why children should obey their parents and teachers because
obeying your parents will help you learn to obey other people.
Obeying teachers helps you stay out of trouble at school and
will help you get better grades if followed by schoolwork and homework.
What it means to obey your parents,
Help around the house and do what needs to be done or
what you are asked to do.
Respect them in attitude and tone of voice.
Love them in all things big and small.
Parents do not corrupt youth.
Parents do not introduce your children to anything illegal,
immoral, unethical, or unsafe
either in substance or in practice.
But raise them in ways that are right, just, and fair.
Raise them to be good citizens,
Good members of society, and
To love the Lord with all their hearts and minds.

I like the shape of the poem as I look at it. Obedience is a good topic especially since you gave reasons. Good idea to follow the poem with your vows and I honor them.