Friday, February 28, 2025

A Prayer for Pope Francis

Oh Jesus, love and all kindness flow from your heart

Oh, Jesus, you are our teacher

Who teaches us kindness and compassion

Ever present in the most blessed sacrament of the alter

Let the light of the Eucharist shine on us forever

Bless our beloved Papa, Pope Francis

Take care of him on earth and in heaven


Friday, February 7, 2025

Our Dearly Beloved Heavenly Father

Jesus, Your name is the most precious on all the earth

So let your name be forever 

A light to all people of Jesus

Let your teachings be our guide forever

And point the way to God

Oh Jesus, sweet and gentle, hold us in your heart

Let your teachings be a lamp on our path 

Because it highlights your teachings 

Which are to be obeyed and carried out

With our whole heart, mind, and soul

This is because you, Oh Jesus

Are the best teacher to help us understand

What is right and wrong.
