Saturday, January 4, 2025

The Heart of Jesus

Oh heart of Jesus, our light of all mankind

True love flows from your heart forever

Like a river of all virtue

Because your heart, oh, Jesus is filled 

With true compassion and everlasting kindness

Oh, heart of Jesus, you help us when we backslide into sin

Oh my Jesus, get us back on our spiritual feet

Ever trying to be the best Christians we can be

With the help of Jesus and his most holy 

And ever compassionate Mother Mary.

That Jesus may teach us to pray better to God our Father

That by prayer we may develop a deeper and closer relationship 

To the one true God our Father 

Through Jesus our most compassionate Savior 

Guiding us to heaven

Give us self-control, for when we love Christ, 

Our light will shine all the brighter

Because He is the way, the truth, and the life


Thursday, January 2, 2025

Jesus is Our Guide

Dear Jesus, our true and compassionate Savior

Ever present in the most blessed sacrament of the altar

Who forever guides us to God, our true and heavenly Father

Oh Jesus, help us to carry our cross each day

With true love and everlasting devotion
