Sunday, June 30, 2024

Honesty is the Law of God

God wants our honesty 

In all things and in all our devotions.

Without honesty, 

God will accept nothing from us.

Our sacrifices will be worthless,

For God's Law, first written on stone, 

Now resides in our hearts and minds.

God's Law is first and foremost 

Honesty in all things.

Then kindness, love, gentleness, and last but not least, 

Compassion for all men.

Honesty makes our hearts into 

Temples of the living God

Dishonest people will not have 

God dwelling within them

For He will live in the hearts and minds of 

People who are honest.

God cannot and will not live 

In the hearts of unrepentant, dishonest people,

Because he is the truth for all times and places.
