A is for Abraham, the father of our faith.
B is for Bible, the book of our Lord.
C is for Christ, who died for our sins.
D is for Disciples, who were loyal to our Lord.
E is for Ephesians, because the church is the body of Christ.
F is for Faith, which is trusting in God.
G is for Galilee, the place where Jesus taught and did miracles.
H is for Heaven, which we hope will someday be our home.
I is for Isaiah, who predicted the virgin birth and crucifixion of our Lord.
J is for Joseph, husband of Mary and step-father of Jesus.
K is for King David, the King of Israel and an ancestor of our Lord.
L is for Love, the greatest of all virtues.
M is for Mary, the mother of our Lord.
N is for Noah, the preacher of righteousness.
O is for Obed, the father of Jesse, who was the father of King David.
P is for Peter, the rock upon which Jesus built His church.
Q is for Quiet, Elijah heard God in a still, small voice.
R is for Resurrection, the foundation of our faith.
S is for Samuel, the prophet of our Lord.
T is for Teaching, the job of our Lord who taught in parables.
U is for Unity, all Christians should unite.
V is for Victory, the resurrection of our Lord was a great victory for mankind.
W is for Water, a symbol used in baptism.
X is for St. Andrew's cross.
Y is for Yahweh, the Hebrew name of God the Father.
Z is for Zacchaeus, who gave his money to the poor when he converted to Christianity.