Monday, March 11, 2013

The Fruits of the Spirit

The Fruits of the Spirit
 By Rachel Sittig

Love is like a watermelon
Joy is like a pineapple
Peace is like a grapefruit
Patience is like an orange
Kindness is like an apple
Goodness is like an apricot
Faithfulness is like a strawberry
 Gentleness is like a blackberry
Self-control is like a raspberry
These teach us that we must cultivate fruits of spirit
So they can be seen in our lives
So others will know we are followers of Christ

God is Love

God is Love
By Rachel Sittig

God is love
He is ever giving and forgiving
For He created all things

All love is of God
Love is the sign of Christianity
 Love is all we ever need
God Is love and he gave his son as our leader and savior
That we might be pleasing to him 
For only by faith in the beloved son can we be pleasing to him
Do not use Christianity as a means to hurt others that you do not like
So Christians, be kind to each other no matter how different we may be
When we love others, the world knows we belong to Christ
Therefore, be loving even as your father is loving
Above all don’t judge others, for it is not your place and you will be judged like you judge others
For God will judge the actions of all people good and bad
Christians know how to love, least you become hypocrites
For if you love God you must love other people, then you truly love God
If you say you love God and hate others then you don’t love God 

God is Light

God is Light 

By Rachel Sittig

Oh light that forever shines
In you are found the fullness of love and truth
For your name is given by God to work wonders in people’s lives
Let your followers be like bright yellow highlighters on the earth
Showing people the way to Christ
Let your devotees be like salt preserving virtue on the earth
That all things may be fulfilled in Christ  
For Christ is the beginning and the end of all things
His light will be with his true devotees forever
All his true devotees will live with him and  He will be their God
They will be his friends
They will never again have pain, sorrow, or hunger
for Christ will be with them

Sunday, March 10, 2013

The Grail

The Grail

By Rachel Sittig

Oh grail of light shine on me
Golden grail pour out your spirit
Covered with pearls and emeralds
Covered with a yellow silk cloth
The cup of life, eternal
Cup of Christ, vessel of the Holy Spirit

The yellow silk cloth represents the resurrection
For when the sun comes up in the morning it is yellow.
Jesus, the son of God, rose from the dead
He conquered the underworld by his resurrection

He is the pearl of great price.
That which you find within the field of your heart
You are his treasure, shining forever.

The emerald is the life to come.
The life that awaits the devotees of Christ
The life that the eye has not seen or ear has not heard,
And it has never crossed the human mind what God has prepared for his devotees.

His holy spirit has no beginning and no end.
It’s a spirit of love and truth
It comforts Christians and converts the wicked.
It intercedes for us in prayer

Dynasty of David

Dynasty of David
By Rachel Sittig

What usually defines royalty?
Born in a palace
Everything at your disposal
Golden scarlet robes to wear

Now, there was a baby,
Born of the dynasty of David
To a maiden peasant girl
Into a world of darkness and despair
Of all places he was born in a stable.
His crib was a manger.
Wrapped in swaddling clothes
Shepherds and wise men praised him

A star declares “he is from heaven”.
He is offered the gold of royalty
The frankincense of the priesthood
The myrrh of death and eternal life.

As he traveled about at the age of thirty
Proclaiming the kingdom of the heart
Healing the sick and performing miracles of every kind
He made many friends and enemies

He gave a Passover meal for a dozen close friends
He told them to take and eat the bread of life
He told them to take and drink the cup of salvation and the New Testament
He suffered in a garden
Praying that God may give him the strength to give up his life for his bride
With the kiss of Judas Iscariot, he was arrested
He walked a mile, down the Via Della Rosa
He fell three times under the weight of the beam
He barely looked like a man with a crown of thorns upon his head
Taken before the leaders of his time, he was put to death

Joseph Arimathea asked permission to put the body in his newly bought tomb
Two days later, Mary Magdalene and his mother came to anoint his body
They saw the stone rolled away
The tomb was empty
Now we proclaim him King of all creation
Our perfect redeemer
That we may be forgiven, for our every wrong